Continuing on the women discrimination entry, the quote below really got my heckles up. Like N. Selvaraju, director, drug control, Tamil Nadu, says, "We are not against women's rights, but this is a moral concern. The advertising of this drug will mean that women will think, 'I can do anything and there is an easy way not to get pregnant'. We can't allow such an attitude to grow."
This was published in an article about morning-after-pills and the depiction of younger women in the Ad. Wonder if the same “moralistic” concerns were raised about the male condom being introduced into the market? Given that male potency has no age bar, (a discrimination against women handed over by the nature), any man depicted in the Ad should have been a problem.
Yeah Mr. Selvaraju, the fear of pregnancy is what stops us woman from romping around the globe like sex starved maniacs. And he says “We cannot allow such an attitude to grow.” Yes Mr. Selvaraju we women have given you the rights to decide on what is morally right or wrong to men like you to decide. Yeah right!!!!!!! Since he is a Director is suppose he is “educated” in our society lingo. If educated men have such dakhyanusi khayalath, God save us Indian woman from the rest of the Indian men.
Mr. Selvaraju the Ad shows younger women because they are the women who can get pregnant, not women after their menopause. The Ad shows younger woman because like the article ‘That's because India records 11 million abortions annually and a shocking 20,000 women die because of abortion-related complications.’
Mr. Selvaraju, like men, women are human and its human to err. Doesn’t make us bad, doesn’t make us good, it makes us just human. And I don’t think you are the person to tell us about what is human and what is not. So next time on please be careful about making sexist comment or you might end up with pink panties like Ramasene did.
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